Adrienne Matthews

Adrienne Matthews at Total Body Gym


IFBB Figure Pro

Social media links:
Facebook: Adrienne Matthews
Instagram: dradrienneifbbpro_figuredowt

The winding road to my decision to embark upon competitive bodybuilding was years in the making. In my early 40s, I hired an online trainer [who happened to be an IFBB Figure Pro] to help me lose weight for my 20th-year college reunion. She developed meal plans and workouts for me as if I were a competitive bodybuilder. The results were amazing. I then began researching the sport (e.g., the various divisions, the NPC/IFBB rules, etc.). I was in awe of the physiques, especially those of the figure division ladies. From that point forward, I wanted to achieve the figure division physique. Although I wanted to learn how to achieve that specific physique, it was not until five (5) years later that I had the courage to embark upon competing in my first bodybuilding show. During those five years that passed, I allowed self-doubt to talk me out of pursuing something I knew I really wanted but perceived myself as too old to accomplish.

However, in 2020 at the ripe age of 45 years, I decided to turn those negative thoughts into voices in my head of affirmation, dive in headfirst and train for and compete in my first bodybuilding show. I began training in January 2020, and when the gyms closed in March, I purchased as much used equipment as possible to outfit my garage such that I could continue my training at home for my Oct 2020 NPC show. I refused to allow the COVID-19 pandemic to derail my plans and goal. Albeit a smaller show, I did well at my first bodybuilding competition and had a wonderful experience! From that point forward, I was hooked! I did four (4) NPC shows in my inaugural year as a competitive bodybuilder, including one (1) National level show. And four (4) years and sixteen (16) shows later, I am still going strong!

In my first year competing as an IFBB Pro (i.e., 2023), I competed in seven (7) Pro shows and my results were outstanding, in my humble opinion. Except for one show, because it was a Masters-only Pro show (i.e., Maxfit Classic), I competed in both Masters and Open classes. Among these seven (7) shows in which I competed in 2023, I earned seven (7) 1st place medals/trophies and placed in the top 10 (i.e., 7th) in Open in one of my Pro shows.

The desire to keep improving my physique and increasing my knowledge of the sport has kept me motivated, focused, and more importantly disciplined. I study the content the top figure division ladies share on social media to learn from them, and I've become quite the sponge for quality bodybuilding content in general as a method to glean information to use to make me a better athlete. My future bodybuilding goals are simple --- {a} place among the top 3 [preferably place 1st]  in the Masters classes at all my Pro shows I do in 2024, {b} place among the top 5 in Open in at least one of my 2024 Pro shows, and {c} be invited to or earn my way to the 2025 Masters Olympia.

It has been an honor and privilege to participate and compete in the sport of competitive bodybuilding, be a part of the Game Time Fitness team, and represent the Gorilla Labz Athletics Apparel brand as a sponsored athlete.   

Check out her feature article in Southern Muscle Guide

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